Upon becoming a resident of Forbes Farms you will be given a welcome packet that will introduce you to the current Property Manager and will provide his/her name and telephone number. The Property Manager will be able to advise you on a variety of issues that may come about as you settle in to your new surroundings. Direct any questions or areas of concern to: propertymanager@forbesfarms.com
Fees for Maintenance of Common Areas ( Property Owner's Association Dues)
The Property Owner's Association collects monthly dues for a variety of reasons. For example, upkeep of common areas, front gate maintenance, pool operating expenses, grass cutting and common area maintenance just to name a few. Monthly dues are assessed at $65.00 per month and may be paid monthly, quarterly ($195.00) or annually ($780.00). The dues may be paid by check or automatic bank draft.
Semi-Annual Meetings
As a resident of Forbes Farms you are encouraged to attend the semi-annual Property Owner's Association Meetings and voice any concerns or appreciations that you might have for current conditions within the subdivision. This is a forum that exists solely for allowing the residents to express themselves.
All requests to make additions to a house or property must be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee.
Requests begin by contacting the Property Manager: propertymanager@forbesfarms.com